Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Creative Take on a "Edible Rain Garden"

Using (ideally) reclaimed/salvaged rain gutters, this creative application is a space-saving and fun way to grow vegetables. Installing them at slightly alternating angles allows rainwater to effectively trickle down from one to the other, irrigating with no effort required! Of course, in the drier months they will need supplemental irrigation, but this can be done with water harvested and stored in a rain barrel (or from grey water re-use).
Even in the "off-season", this type of installation has a quirky, artistic aesthetic, especially if painted in a way that ties them into the rest of the landscape design.

Bio-Dynamic Pools!

This is a new concept to me, but I love the idea. Using plant material and other natural means to create a low-impact, environmentally-responsible swimming pool. No need for chlorine or other harmful/abrasive chemicals. Plus the aesthetic impact is amazing: plants growing out of the pool!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ginkgo biloba: An amazing plant for many reasons

For many years, Ginkgo biloba has been one of my favorite trees. The unique shape and hue of the leaves, the dramatic fall color, and it's interesting history all play a part in my love affair with this beautiful organism.

Some interesting facts about Ginkgo (The Maidenhair Tree) can be read about here:

Awesome Green Wall project in Columbia

This small boutique hotel in Bogota, Columbia recently installed a 4,000 sf Green Wall, which uses mostly native plants.

Monday, July 9, 2012

We need to see more of this! Get rid of your grass...grow a garden instead!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hilton in Pattaya, Thailand

Great design here (the new Hilton Hotel in Pattaya, Thailand). I love the birds-eye aerial shot. You really get a sense of the organic cohesion that is happening.
Hilton Pattaya landscape


Well, things didn't really work out with Kurisu International. Too many extended periods of travel (read: "relocation"). I am thankful for the time spent working under one of the best in the business and to have seen some of the most beautiful Japanese Gardens outside of Japan.

Since early spring I have been working for a plantscaping company. I've always had an eye for creative container gardens, so this is a good fit. As the Exterior Supervisor, I am responsible for the design, installation, and maintenance of all of the company's outdoor containers. I get to be outside a lot and am working directly with plant material, which is great.

Regardless of how rewarding and fun this new job is, I have decided to once again focus on growing my own residential design/consultation business. Keeping this blog updated is Step #1!